The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten was represented at the exhibition opening in Beijing. This article was published in the print version of the newspaper on 14 October.

Exhibition opening

← Paperdialogues  Ι  04. October 2014

After years of preparations – and an intensive final week for both Scandinavian and Chinese team members – we could finally open the first Paper Dialogues exhibition this week. It has become a beautiful and evocative installation in Today Art Museum in Beijing. The exhibition hall contains also a popular paper-cut workshop, where Qiao entertained some of the first visitors with his paper-cutting skills. Now we are looking forward to the official opening ceremony on Sunday.


← Paperdialogues  Ι  04. October 2014

The catalogue came from print just in time for the opening! Already for sale in the Today Art Gift Centre.

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Xiaoguang Qiao to norway

← Paperdialogues  Ι  08. February 2014

In July 2013, Xiaoguang Qiao comes to Norway. He travels north along the Norwegian coast by boat in beautiful weather, and arrives in Bit’s home town Trondheim just in time for the opening of her exhibition as artist-in-residence at the Saint Olav Festival at Stiklestad. Around the coffee table in Bit’s private flat, the conversation that started in Beijing continues.


In March 2013 Karen Bit Vejle visits China and professor Qiao for the first time. In a few full days she gets to visit his studio, see the collection of traditional Chinese paper-cutting at the Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center where he works, meet a lot of interesting people and eat fantastic food. The two paper-cutters compare scissors and blisters and discuss paper qualities and exhibition lighting. The Paper Dialogues have begun.
